Saturday, April 4, 2009

On the edge of my seat

Well that sums it up! 9 travel emails went out this week. Not mine, but we are definately getting close! So, today we went shopping for travel supplies and I shopped by the what to pack list I got from my bloglist that other travelers have prepared! I was very grateful for it because as I walked in to the store, my mind went a bit blank!!!!!

Now we are back home to take care of my poor little man, Zach. He has not eaten since Thursday lunch which did not stay down! He did have a piece of toast today but he still has a fever that comes right before the Tylenol wears off!

Sabrina is almost completely recovered from the tonsillectomy and does not want to get this "bug" that he has so we've been out of the house pretty much as much as we can! Off to my friend Julie's tonight for a BBQ!!! Should be fun. Pictures next time!

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