Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to School!

Well today was day 3 of the first day of school for this year. Zach and Sabrina entered 6th grade and Peyton started Kindergarten! Peyton is so excited.....loves school and cannot wait until she can read to her Daddy and me. With the kids going back to school it also means I went back to driving the school bus! Though the first week of school is a bit stressful...getting to know the kids....having the kids sit down in their seats....and all the other fun stuff that goes along with the job....I wouldn't trade it for one single second. Spending the summer at home with my kids was amazing! Still praying for another adoption some time down the line....but for now I am completely in love with the 3 children I have.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

not OK

I couldn't have said it any better than Heather.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Friendship is a wonderful thing isn't it? I mean seriously, without friends where would be sometimes. I know that I will never have to imagine a life without my dear friend Kristin. She has a heart bigger than anyone that I have ever met and I am humbled when I am with her. Her generosity is amazing. Please take a moment to stop over to her blog Irishopian and get to know a little bit about her and her amazing family. While you're there, please consider entering her raffle to not only have a chance of winning some authentic items, but also to assist them in bringing home their 2 sweet boys from Ethiopia. This will be her 7th and 8th child. Now do you understand when I say she has a big heart?

Thanks for reading, supporting and donating to my dear friend.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Busy praying!

That is what I have been doing lately. So many people, friends, family members all needing prayers. Whether they are prayers of encouragement, direction, healing etc......every free moment I have I am saying a prayer for someone. At the same time, I sometimes almost forget to pray for myself and our issues. Most importantly, our desire to adopt again. We have not a clue how we can even imagine affording a second adoption at this point, but I feel so strongly that THIS is what I am being called to do. My heart aches for all children without parents, without a home, that just simply want to be loved. My heart is being drawn to Ethiopia because I have seen, first-hand, the faces of the children both in and out of the orphanage. If God wants us to adopt, surely he'll help us find a way to. I just need to remember to pray.....for us!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Decisions, Prayer and Decisions

Well, if anyone still reads my blog that I never tend to, I am going to change my ways! I am so thankful for so many wonderful things and want to share them with the world! We are also contemplating a second adoption and I am really praying on this one. We just moved into a new larger home (2 weeks ago) and it has been a year since bringing Peyton Birtukan home, I've changed jobs and we've changed churches. I know in our hearts we have the room, now I need to pray for a way to finance this adoption. I no longer work for the awesome company that has adoption assistance, but I do work for an awesome company that allows me home with my kiddos which is where I most want to be. I just came home from a trip to my dear sweet friend's home where I find myself so inspired to follow my heart and lead the Christian life I want to lead and help the people of beloved Ethiopia. My dream is to be in Ethiopia with her one day....together in a country we love so much. So for now, I will continue to pray, update my blog and post pictures!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Readoption Day

Readoption Day in PA!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Well I am so sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. Life with Birtukan whom we now call Peyton Birtukan has been wonderful! So many changes have happenned since she came home! I quit my wonderful full-time job to be home for all of my children more and other than when Peyton is in preschool, she gets to spend her days with me! I now drive a school bus for Zach and Sabrina's school district. Peyton rides with me and I am off of work the same days as my kids! I don't have much time to post since we are also selling our house and buying a larger house.......I had thet most awesome conversation with a good friend today about Ethiopia and I do hope that a trip to Ethiopia will be in my future!!!!!!!