Thursday, February 11, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Well I am so sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. Life with Birtukan whom we now call Peyton Birtukan has been wonderful! So many changes have happenned since she came home! I quit my wonderful full-time job to be home for all of my children more and other than when Peyton is in preschool, she gets to spend her days with me! I now drive a school bus for Zach and Sabrina's school district. Peyton rides with me and I am off of work the same days as my kids! I don't have much time to post since we are also selling our house and buying a larger house.......I had thet most awesome conversation with a good friend today about Ethiopia and I do hope that a trip to Ethiopia will be in my future!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kat said...

Sounds like things are going wonderfully! We hope to be going to Ethiopia (to pick up our twins though) in the next few months! So glad things are good (though busy)...