Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Decisions, Prayer and Decisions

Well, if anyone still reads my blog that I never tend to, I am going to change my ways! I am so thankful for so many wonderful things and want to share them with the world! We are also contemplating a second adoption and I am really praying on this one. We just moved into a new larger home (2 weeks ago) and it has been a year since bringing Peyton Birtukan home, I've changed jobs and we've changed churches. I know in our hearts we have the room, now I need to pray for a way to finance this adoption. I no longer work for the awesome company that has adoption assistance, but I do work for an awesome company that allows me home with my kiddos which is where I most want to be. I just came home from a trip to my dear sweet friend's home where I find myself so inspired to follow my heart and lead the Christian life I want to lead and help the people of beloved Ethiopia. My dream is to be in Ethiopia with her one day....together in a country we love so much. So for now, I will continue to pray, update my blog and post pictures!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you so much! Thank you for coming all the way down here to be with us. The kids have missed you all day and I have too! It was truly awesome being with you guys!!!
Keep up the blogging my friend!