Sunday, February 14, 2010

Readoption Day

Readoption Day in PA!!!


Kat said...

That is SO awesome and what a BEAUTIFUL picture!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!
Now if only we could get our readoption done!
Talk to you soon...

Rob and Heather said...

Hi Jennifer,
Neat to run into you today!
Your family is beautiful!
If you get a chance check out our blog:)

anjl said...

Aww, what an adorable picture of the family, you guys look so happy :) I'm glad to see that you are all enjoying life and Peyton Birtukan is loved by such a wonderful family. Can't wait to come out again soon for a visit, even if just for a weekend soon!

anjl said...

Aww, what an adorable picture of the family, you guys look so happy :) I'm glad to see that you are all enjoying life and Peyton Birtukan is loved by such a wonderful family. Can't wait to come out again soon for a visit, even if just for a weekend soon!